Камера за задно виждане за VW Passat B8, Golf BQ1, Arteon 3H7, Touareg CR, Touran 5T, Tiguan AD1, Kufatec 41955
- Complete set to retrofit an original rear view camera with existing trailer assist (PR-No.: 8A8, 8A9 or 1D9)
- Suitable for the following vehicles:
- VW Arteon 3H7
- VW Golf BQ1, BV5
- VW Passat B8
- VW Tiguan AD1, AX1
- VW Tiguan Allspace BW2
- VW Touran 5T
- VW Touareg CR
- Integrated camera into the rear grab handle
- Showing the rear area on the screen of the navigation
- Automatic display switch by rear gear
- Much easier orientation due to the guiding lines and fields which are integrated into the video picture and change depending on the steering wheel angle
- Two modes are available:
- parkingmode 1 (Transverse parking): Useful for parking into a slot which is transverse to the driving direction on for reverse driving into a longer entry
- parkingmode 2 (Longitudinal parking): Useful for parking into a slot along the driving direction on a curb
- The built Mainunit must have an entrance for a reversing camera
- Mainunits with part number 3Q0035819X and 3Q0035820X have no input for RVC
- The available camera is enabled by this article
За поръчка:
1.Камерата се доставя по поръчка в срок около 10 дни
2.Необходим е VIN номер на автомобила за потвърждение за съвместимост